There was a time
when the world
Like an arctic desert wasteland
Frozen and forbidding
Made no room
For hopeful celebration
Always winter never Christmas
Hollow men filled themselves
With a little dried tubers
Or whatever they could find
Thinking none to thank
Praised themselves to survive
Some fell- weary of their own weight
And the rebel burdens they carried
Others hoped in promises
Looking forward to the day
they could not see
Though prayed their children would
Until then came to pass
The world’s first Christmas eve
Humble and meek
Condescending deity
Full of grace and truth
The earth slept unaware
What glorious dawn – warm –
Would be at their waking

The rest of the poems from Rusten Harris’s Advent series on Moss Kingdom:
IncarnationChristmas EveKingsSome Kind of GloryChainsGiftsQuotidian CoupleA Thousand LightsEve & MaryTreasured UpChristmasWinter StavesThe GloriasCherubimJosephStrange RedeemerWombMagiTemple TroughAdventLord’s DayFar as the Curse is FoundJubileeThe Massacre of the InnocentsLiturgical Time

Other Advent poems on Moss Kingdom:

December 21: an Advent poem for the Winter SolsticeOf Edmund and AslanTiptoe HopeThe Second Coming by William Butler Yeats