“Chains shall he break
For the slave is his brother”
Strange it should be
Our hope borne upon his shoulders
This child birthed
in a shepherds town
Could he really be the one they say
heals the plagues of man’s dominion:
Injustice, evil, and estrangement?

But how time has told
Violent chronicles of men
we and our children
need this child
For divisions breeding
Fear and forbidding
The freeing of the slaves

So, I heard it sang
In his name
all oppression shall cease
But it cannot be nominally
His name being more than a name
His law is love -his gospel peace
The marks of his reign

For In him- poor babe
The freedom of slaves
A family hewn from rubble
Strangers no longer estranged
brothers and sisters made
and bound to one another

The rest of the poems from Rusten Harris’s Advent series on Moss Kingdom:
IncarnationChristmas EveKingsSome Kind of GloryChainsGiftsQuotidian CoupleA Thousand LightsEve & MaryTreasured UpChristmasWinter StavesThe GloriasCherubimJosephStrange RedeemerWombMagiTemple TroughAdventLord’s DayFar as the Curse is FoundJubileeThe Massacre of the InnocentsLiturgical Time

Other Advent poems on Moss Kingdom:

December 21: an Advent poem for the Winter SolsticeOf Edmund and AslanTiptoe HopeThe Second Coming by William Butler Yeats