Ancient gathered wisdom
Heavenly celestial maps
Long forgotten rites
Codices and scrolls
Strange fire
Incense and embers
A star unlike any have seen
Oracle of the coming King
A small ossuary emptied
Then filled with tribute:
Gold, frankincense,
and myrrh
A long journey west
Three magi hasten to prepare
to leave all behind
Jerusalem bound

The rest of the poems from Rusten Harris’s Advent series on Moss Kingdom:
IncarnationChristmas EveKingsSome Kind of GloryChainsGiftsQuotidian CoupleA Thousand LightsEve & MaryTreasured UpChristmasWinter StavesThe GloriasCherubimJosephStrange RedeemerWombMagiTemple TroughAdventLord’s DayFar as the Curse is FoundJubileeThe Massacre of the InnocentsLiturgical Time

Other Advent poems on Moss Kingdom:

December 21: an Advent poem for the Winter SolsticeOf Edmund and AslanTiptoe HopeThe Second Coming by William Butler Yeats