The light of the day’s first sun
Beginning ascent, cresting the horizon
Kneeling, as it were, to shine upon faces
Meeting the eyes of all those who dwell
With foot, hoof, paw, and root
Planted firmly on the surface of the earth
That warm heavenly immanence
Searching through thickets of trees
Casting shadows where the frost hides
Waking the valleys and dales
Resting under the cover of mist
A daily benediction before our star
Rises again and to heights far above
The periphery and path of our post
Reminding us that our labor
Under the sun, is not in vain
Nor forgotten.

The rest of the poems from Rusten Harris’s Advent series on Moss Kingdom:
IncarnationChristmas EveKingsSome Kind of GloryChainsGiftsQuotidian CoupleA Thousand LightsEve & MaryTreasured UpChristmasWinter StavesThe GloriasCherubimJosephStrange RedeemerWombMagiTemple TroughAdventLord’s DayFar as the Curse is FoundJubileeThe Massacre of the InnocentsLiturgical Time

Other Advent poems on Moss Kingdom:

December 21: an Advent poem for the Winter SolsticeOf Edmund and AslanTiptoe HopeThe Second Coming by William Butler Yeats