Goodnight my friend. Goodnight sweet Carines.
When I heard, I did not want to believe;
if it were true, the earth would be made less,
made ugly, cruel; a pain without reprieve.
But the mourning world wages quiet war;
against death, our ever-enemy, we crusade
as the waves ceaselessly attack the shore.
Why take her who so newly a mother made?
A hundred friends would take her place instead.
Let all mourners weep and let death be damned! 
Let all who here remain trust Him who said,
“None can be snatched from my great Father’s hand.”
Jesus, Lord of life and death, is at your side
and, stronger than this world of pain, tonight
He takes you home to forever be His bride.
This morning, as you passed, the earth dressed herself in white.
Goodnight our friend, goodnight our Carines;
Tonight, in death, you wear your finest dress.

On the morning that Carines passed, the Seattle area where she lived was experiencing its first snow of the winter, as if it were dressing for a wedding.

Relevant passages:
Ephesians 5:25-27: A passage that talks about the church being prepared to be the bride of Christ.
Revelation 19:6-8: A passage that speaks of the wedding supper of the lamb, the celebration of God when he receives his church in eternity.
John 10:1-30: This passage shows several things. Jesus is the gate through which we enter the presence of God; he is the good shepherd who knows and protects his sheep; he opposes death and the devil who comes only to destroy; he lays down his life for his sheep; he has authority over life and death and will show that power by raising himself from death; his father is greater than all, and no one can take a sheep from his hand. Read especially vs 27-30.